
Advanced Security With GeoServer

Thursday, August 21, 2014 | by

The presentation will provide an introduction to GeoServer own authentication and authorization subsystems. We’ll cover the supported authentication protocols, such as from basic/digest authentication and CAS support, check through the various identity providers, such as local config files, database tables and LDAP servers, and how it’s possible to combine the . . .

Making Space for Diverse Mappers

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 | by

Diverse communities provide the space for different points of view to find voice. Historically open source communities have balanced the contribution of various perspectives and expertises. We are often industry examples of remote cultural collaboration. But the nature of collaboration is changing, where diversity must stretch further across geographies to . . .

OSGeo Annual Meeting

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 | by

The OSGeo Annual Meeting. The Annual General Meeting for OSGeo is open to everybody. The goal is to share details of the activities of the foundation, from committees and local chapters all around the world.

Pointcloud: The Musical

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 | by

Following the success of “We’re up all night to get mapping” and “GeoGlobalDomination: The Musical”, we will follow the adventures of a pointcloud trying to find its place in the FOSS4G society in the latest musical extravaganza.

OSGeoLive: An Overview of the best Geospatial Open Source Software

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 | by

This presentation provides an overview of the breadth of quality geospatial open source applications, which are available for the full range of geospatial use cases, including storage, publishing, viewing, analysis and manipulation of data.

The presentation is based upon documentation from OSGeoLive, which is a self-contained DVD, USB thumb drive and . . .

Easy ETL with OGR

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 | by

The ogrtools Python library lets you run complex ogr2ogr operations defined in a configuration file supporting transformations of all OGR vector formats. It uses the OGR Virtual Format (VRT) internally for transformations like renaming tables or columns, calculating values and converting data types. Since version 1.11 of GDAL/OGR, multiple geometry . . .

PostGIS Feature Frenzy

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 | by

PostGIS has over 300 functions, which in turn can be used with the many features of the underlying PostgreSQL database. This talk covers some basic and not-­so-­basic ways to use PostGIS/PostgreSQL to process spatial data, to build infrastructures, and to do crazy things with data. Consider the possibilities: raster, topology, . . .

LocationTech Projects

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 | by

LocationTech is an Eclipse Foundation industry working group for location aware technologies. This presentation introduces LocationTech, looks at what it means for our industry and the participating projects.

Libraries: JTS Topology Suite is the rocket science of GIS providing an implementation of Geometry. Mobile Map Tools provides a C++ foundation that . . .

Don’t Copy Data! Instead, Share it at Web-Scale

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 | by

Since its start in 2006, Amazon Web Services has grown to over 40 different services. S3, our object store, one of our first services, is now home to trillions of objects and regularly peaks at 1.5 million requests/second. S3 is used to store many data types, including map tiles, . . .