RSVP for PostgreSQL Day, Saturday September 6th

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 | by

Do you use PostGIS and/or PostgreSQL?

As you are planning your FOSS4G travel, here’s another excellent event to have on your radar.

Saturday, September 6th, is PostgreSQL Day, co-hosted by the Portland Postgres Users Group (PDXPUG)  and Portland State University. Attendance is free, but RSVP is required (RSVP here). See below for more details on the event.

Looking forward to seeing you in September!


Date: Saturday, September 6, 2014

Time: 9:30am through 5:30pm

Place: Portland State University, Room EB 102, 1930 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201. The venue is reachable by street car, bus or light rail, see Tri-Met for schedule and fare information.

Registration: Space is limited, please RSVP!

Food: Light snacks & beverages provided. Breakfast and lunch is on your own. There’s a wonderful cart pod right across the street; bring $10-15 for lunch.

Presentations: Organizers are looking for presenters for the PDXPUG Day. Talks should be about 45 minutes in length, and about any of the following topics:

  • PostgreSQL administration and performance
  • Case studies of interesting uses of PostgreSQL and PostGIS
  • Interesting applications built on PostGIS or PostgreSQL
  • Database and/or geographic application development
  • Database-related DevOps
  • SQL and stored procedure programming
  • New Postgres/PostGIS features and hacking Postgres/PostGIS

Organizers will also be taking lightning talks of 5 minutes each, on similar topics. Email your talk proposal to Mark Wong at markwkm -at-